Summer at Eh Canadian Farm before we sold and moved to our new farm.

Summer at Eh Canadian Farm before we sold and moved to our new farm.
Duke and Duchess stayed at the Eh Canadian location.

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Julian and Leo May 9th to 31st, WW 81 amd 82

Julien from Fress Sur Moselle and Leo, from Beessang both left a lasting impression on our place. Independent, self- motivated and full of life, these two travellers rarely sat still.  Julien a windmill mechanic was in between jobs and travel and Leo is waiting to continue his training as a ski guide.

While they were here they helped to plant the garden, pulled up a fence line, washed windows, mowed lawns, fixed a fence, cleaned the barn loft, but had most fun helping Loren recycle  boards and start to build the woodshed at the ‘la Cabin de les bois.’  A name they gave the cabin at Al’s spot.  They even painted a plaque and placed it over the cabin door.

While they were here, there was still too much snow at mid elevation to do a lot of hiking. But Loren, Leo and Julien  did hike to the cairn on Willowbank Mtn. We went fishing at Susan Lake (it was a very blustery day, but great for photos), visited the Mount Seven launch site and one Saturday they kept us company on a trip to Kamloops to drop Loren off on route to buy the ‘good truck.’

WillowBank Carin
Leo and Julien caught a ride with neighbours as far a Kelowna and then hiked onto Vancouver.   Then they went to Vancouver Island to hike the West Coast Trail.  In mid- June they met Leo’s Father, John-Luke and Brother Adrian; together the 4 of them travelled to Whistler, then up to Jasper.  They had planned to do more hiking, but got caught in the rain storm that flooded Calgary, so on June 24th, they returned here and stayed at ‘la Cabin de les bois.’   They were the first to stay overnight in the cabin.  

Gravel spreaders_Machine Shed
While here they hiked up to Gorman Lake and when they returned here the dogs discovered that they had brought a marmot back under the hood  of their vehicle.   After much confusion and Loren’s great lasso, the marmot was put in a cage, and after dinner Loren and I ferried it back to the parking lot at Gorman. That marmot had a real story to tell his friends.

Red Indian July 1
The next day, John-Luke, Adrian and Julien headed back to Vancouver for their flight to France. Leo stayed with us a couple of days and then headed over to Eagles Rest Farm (Krys and Les’) to help there. Since that time Leo, Loren, I and friends Doug and Darlene, hike to the ridge on Red Indian.  Then Loren, Leo and Max (another helper from Eagles Rest) hiked up to the back of Redburn, Leo, Max, Loren, Nora and I went fishing at Susan, and they rode the bikes down from Susan to the Bluewater bridge.  Saturday (July 20) we all hiked to the end of Redburn again, only this time Leo hiked to the summit.  July 21 Leo, Max and Nora helped us bring the hay home.

Leo and Nora Redburn
 It is Oct 2 and Leo is still in Golden. He stayed on at Krys and Les' until mid August, where both Max and Leo were a big help with bringing in the hay. Then Leo went to work at Innovation Builders where will work until next week. Then he plans to travel in the US for a while.
View from Red Indian July 1

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