Summer at Eh Canadian Farm before we sold and moved to our new farm.

Summer at Eh Canadian Farm before we sold and moved to our new farm.
Duke and Duchess stayed at the Eh Canadian location.

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Javier and Laurine from Toulous, June 1 to 14th WW 83 and 84

Javier and Laurine from Toulouse, France June 1 to 14th.              

Javier and Laurine had been woofing in Quebec, where they bought a car and headed down to the states and across to Vancouver Island and then over to Vancouver, and then back up into the Rockies to help us.

Because they had their own vehicle they were very independent of us. They met the helpers from Goldenwood Lodge and ride shared to visit Yoho and Banff Parks. And we walked from here and hiked up to the bluff on Willowbank Mtn. 

 Loren put the rafters and tin on the cabin woodshed. Laurine cleaned the cabin from top to bottom, even vacuuming the logs. Javier sanded old boards, and both applied the finish to the boards for a bed Loren was building for the cabin.  They both weeded and mulched in the garden, and Javier mowed the lawn.


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