Wow, since August of 2003, we have had 60 willing workings. And overall, the experience has been postive and rewardng. Kai was another positive and willing to learn willing worker. Since he was only here for a week, we were just getting to know him when it was time for him to leave. Kai found the atmospehre here and the work during the day in the garden 'very peaceful and a contrast to the noisy cities' he'd visited before he came here. Although when leaving Kai expalined that he enjoyed the quite, but preferred something more like a villae where there are more people. Kai had a great work ehtic. He worked a lot in the garden, raked around the chicken coupe and chased down invasive weeds in the garden. We did mange a sucessful fishing trip to Susan lake, and as a result Kai learned how to fillet a trout.
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