David left this morning, now we have a break in the stream of fine and fun willing workers since spring. David an independent ww, who was usually smiling has been travelling between school years. Before the Blaeberry he had been travelling and hiking in BC, with his next plans to woof near Pincher Creek Alberta, onto Yellowstone Park and then finish up in LA. David was here while Anais and Daniel were here. The first Monday after he arrived all three of them took the medi bus to Radium for some hiking and swimming at the hot springs. Then on Tues, the work started, with two guys it was a great opportunity to do some heaver work, firewood, dig up the pathway in the garden and. move soil. After Daniel and Anais left David painted the front of the barn and he house sat while we went to Kamloops. Another day he helped to put in fence posts for a new fence and gather rails for the fence around the lodge. On the last Saturday David was here, we were busy at the lodge, so David caught a ride to Gacier Park with a neighbour who works there, and went hiking for the day. Although the weather wasn't perfect, he hiked past the snowline and had a great day. We know David will have great adventures.

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