Thank you to all of the our youth helpers who made 2017 so great.
This year, well now it is 2018, I am so behind on maintaining this blog, that I have decided to do this it all at once. Each helper is so unique and the jobs so different, but having said this, each year unless we build something, many jobs are the same from year to year. So I have decided that all I will do is post a picture of each helper and then write a sentence. And if you read this and don't see your photo it is because I can't find one in my files. If you do have a photo you'd like to share please send me one, because pretty well the photos tell the story, and each helper will remember their experience in a different way, some good some indifferent depending on where one's journey so far. We enjoy the experience and learn from you as well. Thank you, Thank you.
This summer we had thirteen helpers. Three from Germany , including Tim our repeat who was here in the fall of 2016, one from Belgium, one from England (via Vancouver), one from California (a first for us) and seven from France. With everyone's help we were able to plant, maintain, harvest and fall plant a good garden. We have had better gardens, but this year it was so dry and when it is so dry some crops don't do as well. But we still had enough raspberries, carrots and potatoes (even though we won't have enough potatoes to make it to May of 2018). And then there was trail maintenance, clearing a spot for the shop near the cabin and the construction. We never imagined we would get the roof on the shop, but with help of Adrian and Ben from France we were able to pull it together.
WW117 Theresa, Germany: March 13th to May 10th
Theresa Update Jan 2020
Dear Denise and Loren,
thank you very much for the news from Canada! I am glad that both of you are fine and spend your free time doing what you love. The painting is incredible, Denise! How are your dogs and Hank?
Since you asked for news, some things happened in the time since I left. (I can't believe it is more than two and a half years ago when I came to stay with you for some weeks!) I went back to Germany in August 2017, after having spend some more months here and there in Canada and also woofing. After coming back, I was very ambitious to finish my studies but unfortunately, this took me quite some time. There were some delays in my master thesis time plan (e.g. study didn't start for mistakes in the money application, my supervisor had to quit his job, ...) so I was very, very happy to finally and officially become a psychologist at the end of January 2019. Luckily, I found a job pretty soon where I have worked since February last year. I work as a clinical neuropsychologist in one of the local hospitals in Oldenburg, where my task is evaluating cognitive functioning of patients with brain damage and also do therapy with them. It is a mentally and emotionally challenging work, but I like it very much and I have very engaged and skillful co-workers with whom I get along well, too. Unfortunately, my contract ends in August this year since I am a substitute for a colleague on maternity leave. My (new) boyfriend and I are thinking about going back to Leipzig, my home town, in August since I miss my family very much. Tim is a teacher though, which means he has to apply for a change of work place and permits are not easy to get (plus, the whole process is pretty intransparent, too). We will know in May if we will move or not. Here in Oldenburg, Tim and I live in a nice flat that is close to the city center but also quiet. All in all, everything is going very well!
I attached a more or less recent picture of Tim and me, from our holidays in Sweden last summer. It was a nice trip, we spent a lot of time outside kayaking, hiking and biking. We went there by bus, took us a whole day but hey - from a climate point of view better than flying! The landscape in Sweden reminded me a lot of Canada, with its lakes and forests.
A big hug from Germany and thanks again for your news. I wish you all the best for the new year
WW 118 Caroline: France May 1 to May 14
Caroline was just settling in about the time she went to Quantum Leaps (where she walked on fire) to help there. Caroline had been working in the US the past winter, and had established connections there. In some ways Caroline reminded me a bit of myself before I had children, an idealist without responsibility.
WWs 119 and 120 Elodie and David, France: May 16tht o June 4th.
David and Elodie were travelling for experience and for Elodie also to practice her English, and by the time they left here Elodie's English had progressed well. They were here at the time of year, where when you plant a row in the garden that you will see the first leaves of some seedlings while you are here. And I think because of their help with the shop and garden, that David was becoming a good carpenter and Elodie a fine gardener.
Helper 121 Ben, England: May 29th to June 7th
Ben arrived by way of hitch hiking, which led to a ride with someone from Alberta, that same person picked him up on the return a couple of weeks later. He left in a hurry, without writing in the record book. As with so many youth, Ben was travelling because he didn't like the direction his life, especially work was taking him in England. And as with many youth who are searching for themselves, the journey is just beginning when they start travelling.
Ben I don't have any photos of you here. If you could send me a couple that would be great.
Return Helper Tim and 122 Moritz, Germany: June 19th to 22nd
Tim stayed with us for over a month in the fall of 2016. He was great help and great company. In 2017 Tim and his Friend Moritz were travelling to the North, and stopped in to say hello and go on the long over due fishing trip that Loren had promised. I was away during his visit. So I didn't meet Moritz or smell the fish cooking with the Bacon.
Tim please send me a couple of photos.
WW 123 Morgane, France: June 28th to July 1
Morgane is a person that puts her heart and sole into all that she does. Her English is so good that I hardly noticed an accent. And she had worked in the hospitality business, so when I needed help at the lodge she was there with here game face on to help out. And Morgane gets the award for gardening in the mosquitoes. 2017 will go down for a year with mosquitoes and Morgane although she said they were bad, persevered through weeding with the mozzies in her ear.
Morgane, could you please send me a photo. Do you have one from paddle boarding?
Morgane thanks so much for the photos. They bring back some great memories of hot summer days and Canada's 150th Birthday with you.
French Helpers 127 and 128 Ben and Julian: France, July 29th to August 6th
Even before Ben and Julian arrive on July 29th, they had already helped us bring the hay for the horse here from the neighbour's field. Ben and Adrian, are Friends of Leo's (WW 8, 2013) brother Adrian (Helper 95, 2014). Leo and Adrian had helped at Eagle's Rest Ranch here in the Blaeberry and had recommended Krys and Les' place to their friends Ben and Adrian. And lucky for us, Krys and Les had a commitment for two weeks and these two switched over to help us. They were amazing, and helped with so many things. Ben was already working towards being a carpenter, and between the two of them they helped Loren put up the rafters and finish the metal on the shop roof. No wonder Adrian recommended them to Les and Krys.
Helper 124 Evelien, Belgium: Sept 1 to 17
I did say that every picture tells a story and the photo below of Evelien and us tell you just how much of an impression Evelien made on us. Evelien arrived when I was away hiking and when I returned it was as if I had known her for years. Evelien made us feel as comfortable as I am sure she was being here. She helped with everything from pickling, jamming, juicing, harvesting, cleaning, chucking fire wood and cutting plywood to name only a few, but the amazing thing was that often she worked independently, diligently recording instructions on her phone, and referring to them when needed.

Helper 124 Arnaud, France: Sept 9 to 16th
Arnaud a seasoned traveler had been helping at the Spotted Dog Rescue before arriving here. And continued to help there in the evenings after arriving here. Arnaud is a Forester, and had been working in South America before heading to Canada. He was keen on gathering a lot of experience, so he was only stay one week at each place. It was great to have him even for just a week, although we were just getting starting to feel at home with him. As you can see he was very handy with the chain saw and him and Evelien cleaned up and split (for firewood) the large blowdown from the big July windstorm. And they both squared up the plywood we had bought as seconds.
WW 126 Andy, California: October 6th to about the 25th
Another smiling face to end the 2017 youth helper season. Andy had been working in the Rockies in the US, and was heading back that way once he left here. Andy had grown up using his hands, and it showed when doing tasks around the place. He did plenty of trail clean up which was needed after the summer windstorm. But best of all while Andy was here, Loren and him filled the woodshed. An amazing feat for two guys and a chainsaw. I am hoping Andy has a good photo of it as I didn't have a chance to say a real Good-bye as I was away when he left. But while here Andy was honing his photography skills with an old manual 35 mm camera.
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