Summer at Eh Canadian Farm before we sold and moved to our new farm.

Summer at Eh Canadian Farm before we sold and moved to our new farm.
Duke and Duchess stayed at the Eh Canadian location.

Monday 19 May 2014

Fabien WW 88

Fabien Oct 13th to Mid Nov 2013

Fabien traveled across Canada by car and arrived on Thanksgiving Weekend and quickly settled in. Fall is a time for putting things away and tying up loose ends before the snow sets in. Fabien helped Tiffany and Jean with the flat rock walkway at the cabin, the winter's firewood, digging potatoes and carrot. He put a dent in the rock path in the garden.

He pruned the raspberries back and cleaned ski trails. But best of all Fabien played Loren's spare accordion, so Loren and Fabien sat by the fire-pit practicing songs.

While Fabien was here he went to Revelstoke and stayed with another Woofing host (Cindy), so he could go to the Revelstoke ski hill job fair.  Here he found a job working in housekeeping at the ski hill lodge. So mid Nov. Fabien moved to Revelstoke, bought a car and went to work for the winter.
His boarding season was a month or so short, because he broke his leg while boarding. So rather than sit idle he had his Parent send his accordion and he practiced and practiced, and when we heard him play it in May, he had improved immensely. 

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