Summer at Eh Canadian Farm before we sold and moved to our new farm.

Summer at Eh Canadian Farm before we sold and moved to our new farm.
Duke and Duchess stayed at the Eh Canadian location.

Tuesday 27 December 2011


Jessica who is known as Jess, calls Britain home. Jess was no stranger to woofing, as she had spent time woofing in Europe.  While woofing she had made friends with another woofer, and was visiting in Calgary.
They had planned a trip in September and Jess was anxious to get out of the city, so woofing was logical. Further Jess was a great woofer as she was very independent.
We had finished up logging at Donald so had some time to go fishing. First we went out for a day with friends from the lodge, then we spent a wkend fishing and camping at Kinbasket, other friends. Again we didn't catch any fish worth bragging about. But we did go for a hike, and Jess learnt to play crib.
Jess helped with some cleaning at the lodge, gardening and helped to finish perma chinking the outside of the cabin.
I am feeling bad that this is the only photo I have of Jess, not sure where the rest got to. In this photo we are fishing while Jess practices knitting, the knitting was a continuous source of jokes, as there were a few stitches missing and added.

Jess had offered to house sit in December, however it turned out that Loren was running the processor on another woodlot, so  we didn't get away for a holiday, and since things were guiet at the lodge we din't need help. Too bad as  Jess' is rialable and fun company.

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