Summer at Eh Canadian Farm before we sold and moved to our new farm.

Summer at Eh Canadian Farm before we sold and moved to our new farm.
Duke and Duchess stayed at the Eh Canadian location.

Saturday 11 June 2011

Eva and Julian, May 17 to 24th, 2011

Eve and Julian, both from France had been in Quebec for the winter and had hitch-hiked across Canada to BC. They arrived on a Sunday and left a week later on a Sunday. A short stay because they were on route to the Yukon and maybe Alaska for an adventure. We still had a bit of snow when they arrived, so we had them do some spring cleaning in the lodge, brush clearing around the yard and raking of the lawns. Because there was still snow, we couldn’t do much for site seeing. However we did go down to the Columbia River one afternoon where we saw a herd of elk swim across the river. Then one afternoon Eve, Julian and Suzanne (a woofer who arrived the Friday before they left) all went for a bike ride around the Blaeberry.

The weekend that they left was the Easter long weekend. On the Friday evening we had a bonfire at a neighbour’s and then on the Saturday evening before they left, we had Easter Dinner at another neighbours.

On the Sunday morning Loren drove Eve and Julian to Golden where they hiked toward Kamloops to meet a fellow traveller and rent a car for their trip to Alaska. They were renting a compact economy car, not only because it was less expense to rent, but also cheaper on gas. Loren had fun teasing them about the car, because he envisioned the three of them and all of their gear packed into the car like sardines in a can.

I did hear from Eve that they were back and in Vancouver. Eve was headed home to France and Julian was headed to the Okanogan for summer work picking fruit.


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