April 3 to 17 & April 24 to May 15, 2009
Julian, from Steinerweg, Germany, was taking time off before he started his studies at university. Julian first arrived April 3rd, after a ski holiday in Banff. He is a very experience skier and made it to Kicking Horse Mtn Resort to ski three times during his first two week stay. It was a bit cool for Julian to stay in the bus, so he stayed in the guestroom in the house. And then when he returned Anna and Sarah were in the bus, so again he stayed in our house. During Julian's first stay he helped Loren get a good start on the firewood, did spring clean up around the yard, pressure washed the inside of the cabin and house-sat while Loren and I were away. After two weeks Julian caught a ride back to Banff for some spring skiing there. He stayed almost a week and then came back. This time he stayed for 3 weeks. While here he helped Loren saw wood for the roof of the cabin, helped Loren move and assemble 3 round of logs on the cabin, cleared and raked trails, worked in the garden, put up a fence and drove the tractor and quad to fetch stuff for Loren. When Julian first arrived spring had just started so there wasn’t much for hiking, so we settled for a hike part way of Willowbank one Sunday afternoon. Julian did get out on the bike, and attended a campfire night with us, where Loren played his accordion. He also went to Radium with Anna and Sarah. And best of all he saw his first bear during the last week of his stay with us. The bear was spring grazing at the edge of a field not far from our farm. Julian left for a farm near Nelson. We heard that at first he was sleeping in the hay. It sounds wonderful for a young traveller.
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