Rebecca an English speaking Quebecois arrived on a Friday and left a week later on a Friday, in the same Semi Truck she arrived in. Rebecca had met the truck driver on route here and had made arrangements to travel with him to Revelstoke a week later. Luckily for Stephanie that same ride was headed for the Okanogan, so she was also able to catch a ride to Vernon. While Rebecca was here, Kim (in photo with Stephanie and Loren) a friend from Manitoba was also here. Kim and Rebecca played a lot of cards. Also Rebecca went horseback riding with Kim and on the weekend we took Kim, Rebecca and Kim’s boyfriend to Susan Lake. Rebecca helped with stacking firewood, raking around the woodshed and Wwoofer bunkhouse and I am sure the highlight of the chores; haying. Rebecca had taken the summer away from her studies to travel across Canada by Wwoofing. Her next destination after here was Nelson, and ultimately Victoria to rendezvous with her Father.
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