Summer at Eh Canadian Farm before we sold and moved to our new farm.

Summer at Eh Canadian Farm before we sold and moved to our new farm.
Duke and Duchess stayed at the Eh Canadian location.

Tuesday 22 April 2008

November 3rd to 24th, 2007 Darren and Nathan

Darren and Nathan from England were our 30th and 31st wwoofers. They responded to an advert we put onto the WWOOF Canada website. We were looking for reliable wwoofers for a couple of weeks while we took a fall holiday for my birthday. Between the time they responded and we confirmed the wwoofing arrangements a friend of ours died in an accident. So instead of picking Darren and Nathan up in Calgary on a return shopping trip for winter supplies, we picked them up on return from a sad memorial in Edmonton. It was good to have company on the return trip as it took our minds off of the events of the week before. It was great to have them here the week before we left for our holiday, it was both a distraction form the week before and allowed us to get comfortable about leaving our place in good hands. During that first week Loren gave them instructions on operating the farm and in between they cleared trails and kept the barn clean.
The two weeks while we were away they cleaned the shop, cleared trails, fixed fences and did a stellar job of keeping the place functioning. We arrived home to a happy doga, and two very comfortable wwoofers. While we were gone they helped our neighbours dig out footings for a foundation and pour cement. Then they helped other neighbours put up straw for a bale house. They left here for Banff for a holiday and then they were on route to Bonniville Albert to wwoof on a Buffalo Ranch. We did have a message from Darren and Nathan saying they were passing through early 2008. I didn’t hear back from them after this. We were hoping to see these guys again.
The photo on the left is taken near Castle Junction on the way home from
Calgary. The photo on the right is of the trail builders Darren and Nathan.

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