Julia also from Germany, was travelling, not only for the life experience, but to polish her English language skill. Which I must say were better than some Canadians’. Julia, and been in Canada for a couple of months already and was in Vancouver studying English. Julia was in between studies in Germany. Julia had started landscaping as a career, but found the work too physical and mainly in urban settings. So Julia once her travels were over, she will go back to Germany to study landscape ecology. Which Julia hopes will allow her to work more in nature.
Julia had hoped to do more hiking while she was here, however because of the high winter snowpack and cool spring, most trails were open, but only the lower half, as we didn’t see much sense in hiking if we couldn’t get to our destination.
We did make it to Thompson Falls for a short hike. Then Gregor, Loren and Julia road the bikes the 16 km back home. Julia is very interested in horses, and while at her last Wwoofing hosts in Enderby, she had learnt some Perelli which she tried on Duke. She also road Duke in the round pen. But he hadn’t been ridden this year and was a bit rusty. Julia also went to Rachelle’s to practice Perelli on Rachelles horses.
Julia, amongst other chores, helped to wash all of the windows in the lodge. Prepared the garden for planting onion sets and carrots, mulched the raspberries, moved sand to the trench used to re-route the lodge electrical.
Julia will be missed. She is such a quiet and thoughtful soul. We hope she will stay in touch with us.
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