I am very behind in posting this update regarding Lucie and
Marie. It was a busy Fall and Winter and now we are back to hosting WWs and HelpX
helpers, and I realize that I have not posted about Lucei and Marie. Lucie and
Marie are from France, and have been travelling in Canada before they arrived
in late September to stay with us. It is a great time to have helpers, because
the garden is just finishing up and there is plenty to do around here. As you
can see from the photo, they helped to bring in the garden, washing and
preparing carrots, beets, fennel, cabbage and potatoes for winter storage.
While here they met a forestry colleague, Scott, Silviculture
Forester with the local forestry company. Scott invited Lucie and Marie to a
working field day with him. I know they visited the Bush Harbour area and were
able to view the Kinbasket Reservoir.
Lucie and Marie had a busy visit planned and part of their
travel was a working holiday. On leaving here they thumbed a ride and were able
to catch a ride all the way to West of Kelowna, from there they went onto
Osoyoos to a winery, and then to Vancouver. Then back to Field where they
worked at a hostel for the winter. I have not heard from them since before
Christmas, but I am sure they had a great experience.