Summer at Eh Canadian Farm before we sold and moved to our new farm.

Summer at Eh Canadian Farm before we sold and moved to our new farm.
Duke and Duchess stayed at the Eh Canadian location.

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Stepanie and Romy_Return WWs 64 & 65

Sept 20 to 30th 2011Stephanie and Romy, were wws here Nov 2009. They then left us and went on to work in both Canmore and Banff, and woof at the middle of the West Coast Trail. They did a lot of hiking, x country skiing and travelling in the year they were in Bc. They left Canada in August 2010 and started school that Sept. They are both studying Tourism.  This summer their holiday consisted of revisiting or you can say rewoofing with us, travelling to Prince Rupert to take the ferry to Alaska and then onto meet their parents at Skagway and onto hike the Chilcoot (Gold Rush) Trail. 
While they were here, they weeded the entire garden. It really made a difference at it had been neneglected between woofer.  They helped with the lodge and put a dent in the permachinking (filling the gaps between the logs) of the inside and some outside walls of the cabin.
Of course their accordion playing had really improved and they were playing very complicated pieces. It was fun to have them here again, even though we were quite busy with harvesting on the woodlot at Donald. We did take a day hike into Gorman with Doug, Darlene, Rick and Jana. Once there Doug and Stephanie and Romy hiked to the ridge of the slope to the west, and when the returned Stephanie and Romy swam in Gorman Lake. They were the fist wws we've hosted who have braved the ice cold water. There was still ice on one edge of the lake.  They were also our first wws to hike to the summit (carin) of Willowbank.  Needless to say they are both very fit.
We are looking forward to hearing their tails of Alaska and the Yukon.  I know we will see Romy and Stephanie again as they love Canada and especially the wilderness.

2018-17-01 Update from Stephanie and Romy
Stephanie and me finally finished our studies and started to do a PhD in environmental sciences (plant ecophysiology and soil bio-geo-chemistry) in the Alps of Germany. Work is quite interesting, but sometimes also a bit challenging. I am learning a lot about the functioning of plants, the hydraulic properties during drought and heat stress and carbon cycling. We already had a lot of snow in December and now the snow is coming back after a melting period. The institute is very close to the cross-country skiing track, so we went skating during the lunch break with our colleagues which was quite a lot of fun! Attached you find some pictures from our glacier tour in summer – up to 3500 meters from hut to hut. It was amazing to walk between the cracks and enjoy these beautiful alpine environments! Hope they remain there for other generations! We also visited England and the Tower bridge in London (Photo attached).

Hope to come to Canada again one day to see you