Woofers 41 and 42 March 10 to 29, 2009
Laura and Maja both from Hamburg, Germany were only planning on staying with us for a week. In the end they stayed for three weeks and were so helpful to us.
Although we don't usually have enough for willing workers in March, we did have many outstanding domestic chores that needing doing. So when Laura and Maja asked to woof here, I made it clear that many of the jobs were catching up on winter cleaning. They had no problem with this and were very willing helpers once they arrived.
They helped in the lodge, around the house and at the barn. They cleaned the tack room and team harnesses, peeled some logs for the new ski cabin, washed a lot of windows, beeswaxed counter tops, painted some new shelving and kept the kitchen spotless.
As you can see from their slide show, they had fun on top of helping us. They took the community bus to Radium and soaked in the hot springs for 3 hours, tried x country skiing and snowshoeing, helped with a sleigh ride, snowmachined to Susan Lake for ice fishing, where we caught and ate our limit, made the margaritas for our Fiesta and shared our company over meals, music and movies.
After 3 weeks I drove them to Banff, and on the way we visited Emerald Lake and Lake Louis.
I had to say a quick Good Bye to make saying so long, easy. After 3 weeks Loren and I we really miss having these to positive youth here. We know there paths will always be bright.