Natacha from France, May 1st to May 15th, 2008; Second Wwoofer of 2008. Thirty third Wwoofer at Eh Canadian Farm Woodlot.
Natasha arrived by bus after a long trip across Canada. Natasha had been studying Geomorphology in Quebec and wanted to travel to the mountains before she headed back to France in June.
From the time I picked Natacha up from the bus until we dropped her in Revelstoke two weeks later, she wore a smile. Natacha’s first English to me was “I will like it here, there is so much nature, it is beautiful” and she said it while she smiled and laughed.

Natacha stayed in the guest room at our house because we had a Wwoofing couple, Anthony and Karine also from France, arriving the next day, and they would stay in the bus.
All three Wwoofers, worked hard together and apart. As a team they weeded the garden and stacked firewood. Together Karine and Natacha painted the facia on the greenhouse, helped with the brick floor in the new greenhouse, cleaned the barn and planted the garden and exercised the horses.
For fun we snowmachined into Susan Lake and went Ice-Fishing. And on top of it being a magnificent day, Loren and I caught our limit. One Saturday Karine, Anthony and Natasha hiked part ways up Willowbank Mtn. Unfortunately, hiking isn’t the best in our area, until late June, early July, the snow is just too low until then. Loren also took the crew to Thompson Falls.
Natacha left to woof at Quantum Leaps Lodge, where she walked on fire. The following week she returned here on a Friday, to catch a ride to Revelstoke to woof, and then she will come back to Golden to catch a ride to be a ww at Icefall Lodge, where there will certainly be snow. We look forward to hearing about Natacha’s time at Icefall, as it is a place we would like to visit ourselves.